I love finding new and exciting places to visit with the girls. The other day we visited Tackapausha Museum and Preserve for the first time with some of our friends and we had such a nice afternoon there! There was enough to keep all the kids entertained for awhile and it was very inexpensive. I can't believe that it took us this long to visit it.
Our favorite part of the museum were all the different live animals there were to see.
There is a reptile room and we saw a huge Iguana, a legless lizard, turtle and a gecko along with many other insects and small animals.
We also really enjoyed exploring the exhibits within the museum. We learned about Life Cycles, Food Chains, Food Webs, Fossils, Dinosaurs, History of Long Island and so much more.
Another great part of the trip was the scavenger hunt that the museum has set up for visitors to work on. There were different pictures on a clip board that the girls had to look for within the exhibits. They really enjoyed this and were so excited when they found each object or animal.
Clara was definitly most excited for the different animals that were in the museum. She kept going back to check out the fox and opossum, which were her favorite.
They also had a screech owl and bats!
Finally, outside of the museum there was a nice play space with a music area, nature checkers, digging and climbing areas as well as a fire pit that groups could reserve for camp fires. We also walked through one of the shorter trails to a pond were the girls LOVED watching the ducks, geese, swans and turtles.
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Check out some of our other family field trips.
The lizards sound cool! We're big fans of reptiles in this household! What a great place to visit! #Whatevertheweather xx
Wow so many exotic animals. This sounds like such a fab place to visit and so educational. Thank you so much for sharing with #whatevertheweather x
It looks like a lovely place to visit! We love seeing animals too, my youngest especially loves visiting animals and watching what they're doing. A very educational and fun visit. Thanks so much for linking up to
#Whatevertheweather :) x
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