
Friday, March 16, 2012

Lucky Leprechaun Masks

When Emily came home from school her teacher had turned her into a…Leprechaun!!   Juliette really wanted to be one too, so we made her a mask to they could be Leprechauns together. IMG_2119

    First I copied the
Leprechaun Mask pattern pieces (click on picture above to download template) onto green and black construction paper and cut them out.IMG_2097

At school, Emily used a green paper plate with the center cut out as the base.  Since we only had white paper plates  Juliette painted hers green and had a lot of fun doing it too :)

IMG_2098IMG_2100 Finally she glued all of the pieces together and I taped a popsicle stick to the bottom for her to hold it in front of her face!


What a happy little Leprechaun!!!

1 comment:

  1. These are adorable!! I wish I would have seen this before St. Patricks Day because my girls would have loved making them!
