Saturday, March 17, 2012

Catching a Leprechaun

This year Emily was determined to build a Leprechaun trap and catch a Leprechaun.  She kept talking about it, and when I saw this yummy Rainbow Bundt Cake Leprechaun Trap idea on my friend’s Facebook page, I knew this was the trap for us to build! 

First, we mixed up some yellow cake mix and divided it into six bowls.IMG_2101

The girls loved mixing in the food coloring…IMG_2103 …until we had all of the colors of the RAINBOW!

Sine we only had Red, Blue and Yellow to work with this turned into a fun color mixing activity for Juliette too.  Emily loved teaching Juliette about how the colors mix together!IMG_2105

We poured the colors in one at a time to make a rainbow in the pan.

 IMG_2107IMG_2108 When it cooled we frosted it with green frosting and the girls added some plastic gold coins to cover the opening in the middle, hoping that the Leprechaun would take the coins and fall in the hole and get trapped!! IMG_2124

We added a little sign to point the Leprechaun in the right direction.


The girls with their Leprechaun Trap Cake and Leprechaun Masks

In the morning the girls couldn’t wait to see if the trap worked and this is what we found…


…our Leprechaun ate his way out and left us some tricky chocolate coins in place of the gold coins!!

He also turned the milk for our cereal green and the water in the potty green too, what a little trickster ;)


Anonymous said...

This is such a wonderful idea! I love your cake!

Unknown said...

Oh my word! This is BY FAR my favorite of leprechaun traps I've seen. Wow! that is so so wonderful!

Tamara said...

I love the fact that your trap was edible and won't take up space because you CANNOT throw it away ;-)


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