Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Memory a New Way

Emily and Juliette have been enjoying using our Mickey Mouse Paint Chips, which we got for free from Home Depot to play the traditional version of Memory.  They turn them upside down and pick to cards until they get a match and repeated.
Emily enjoys it, but I wanted to challenge her to something a little different and came up with…
Memory, What’s Missing?
IMG_0298First I put some of the cards out on the floor
IMG_0297  I told Emily to study them and try to remember what was there. Then she closed her eyes and I took one away.IMG_0299
She had to tell me which one was missing.
She did really well and said the yellow one was missing!!
IMG_0300IMG_0301After a few times we added more cards.  This was harder for her and she would get it right part of the time, but she said it was fun and wanted to keep trying.  We took turns taking the card away and figuring out which one was missing.
We also played it with them in straight lines too.
This was a great way to practice paying attention to details and working on memory.  We talked about noticing patterns, for example in the first set there were 2 of each color.  You can do this with any group of toys to go along with anything you are working on or your little one is interested in.  Next time I think I might take out our little people!!
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Christy Killoran said...

I always forget to get some of those paint chips!

Anonymous said...

I love games that come premade. She did a great job remembering what colors were there and which ones were missing.

OneMommy said...

What a great use of paint chips! We made our own memory game a few months ago... But those are so cute, we might need to pick some up and give it a try.
I love the idea of "what's missing" - good memory exercise!

Mandi said...

I would love it if you would link up some of your great ideas on my new Monstrously Creative link party! I'm featuring some great ideas this week, and yours could be next! Come join the party!
Mandi at BBM


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