
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

St. Patrick’s Pokey


I wish I could take credit for this, but Emily actually did this activity at school.  I thought that it was really cute and she had so much fun with it I figured I would share it.

IMG_7657First they made a Shamrock Paper Plate Shaker.  All they did was staple to paper plates together and fill it with dried beans.  Then the children decorated it with a construction paper shamrock.  The Shamrock is made from 3 hearts for the leaves and a strip of paper for the stem  IMG_7658

On the back is the Song.  I love that her teacher always sends home the words to the songs they are doing in class so that we can do them at home too!  They used the shaker to go with the song.

St. Patrick’s Pokey

(sung to the tune of “The Hokey-Pokey”)

You put your shamrock in,

You take your shamrock out,

You put your shamrock in and you shake it all about.

You do the St. Patrick’s Pokey and you turn yourself around.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!


You Shake your shamrock high,

You shake your shamrock low,

You shake your shamrock high; then you shake it to and fro.

You do St. Patrick’s Pokey and you turn yourself around.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!


You Shake your shamrock left,

You shake your shamrock right,

You shake your shamrock left; then you shake with all your might.

You do St. Patrick’s Pokey and you turn yourself around.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!


Check out other great activities for Tots and Preschoolers

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1 comment:

  1. Oh, I am so going to do this with my preschool class next year. Thanks for sharing! Happy St. Patrick's Day Eve!
