Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sight Word Ring

Emily has really been showing an interest, well more like desire to learn how to read.  I have noticed that she is able to read a handful of words so I thought that it would be exciting for her to have a collection of all of the words she knew.
I got a pack of plain index cards without lines and a binder ring.  Then I wrote each word that she was able to read, without my help on an index card.  I hole punched the side and added them to the ring.  Emily’s favorite part was the cover and off course showing anyone that would listen to her how she should read all these words.

 Check out other great ideas for Tots and Preschoolers:

abc button


Annette W. said...

That's a really great idea. Thanks for sharing!

An Almost Unschooling Mom said...

I love the way you underlined "read" on the cover card!

April said...

I bet she is very proud that she can read those words.

Thank you so much for linking up!

Anonymous said...

I bet she is now seeing and reading those words everywhere she sees them.

Brimful Curiosities said...

What a great motivator tool. Sounds like she is super proud of her special sight word ring.

The Bertone's said...

What a great idea.. I'm going to have to try that with my daughter. She is getting really good at a bunch of her sight words, this would help her along! Thanks for sharing!

Rebecca said...

Ive started teaching Connor sight words and this idea is perfect Michelle!! I will definitely be doing this with Connor, thanks!

Erudition said...

Great idea! If you are looking for another entertaining way to introduce sight words, please visit us at www.sightwordsgame.com.

We currently offer two products - a sight words board game and an activity and coloring book.

Debbie said...

Great idea! We did something similar for Selena but ours were posted on the wall as she learned them last year. Now that she is learning harder words I should consider something like this.


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