Monday, January 31, 2011

Muffin Tin Monday ~ Favorite Foods

This weeks theme for Muffin Tin Monday is Favorite Foods.  We just went food shopping and I had some of Emily and Juliette’s favorites on hand for today so everyone was very happy about Muffin Tin Monday today!

Both Emily and Juliette ended up having  the same foods for lunch since Juliette wants everything that Emily has!!

Emily’s Muffin Tin Lunch


Top Row: Cucumber Slices, Grapes and Mandarin Oranges

Bottom Row: M&M’s and Macaroni and Cheese


Emily enjoying her lunch.

Juliette’s Muffin Tin Lunch IMG_7317

Top Row: Cucumber Pieces, Cut up Grapes

Middle Treat of M&M’s

Bottom Row: Mandarin Oranges and Macaroni and Cheese

IMG_7319  Juliette loves her Muffin Tin Lunch…she actually ate every last bit of food, I was in complete shock when I only had to help her with the last few pieces of Macaroni and Cheese!


Anonymous said...

Both my girls would gobble that up too! The first to go today were the cucumber sticks. =p

Anonymous said...

I would want the same lunch too.


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