Sunday, December 19, 2010

A Night in Bethlehem

We were fortunate enough to participate in A Night in Bethlehem a truly amazing Christmas event that was held at a local church. Our family was able to experience Bethlehem.  I was amazed at how much of an impression this made on Emily.  She talked about it for days telling everyone that she went to Bethlehem and saw Baby Jesus!


When we entered we told the census takers who we were, where we came from, how we travelled to Bethlehem (we did by donkey!) and how many camels and donkeys we owned.


Our names were written on scrolls with quills.


Emily helped make rope.


Emily and Juliette had sandals made.


They ground spices…


…and made mosaics.


There were tax collectors, beggars and even a real donkey.

IMG_6697          The most amazing part was walking up into the stable where Mary and Joseph were waiting with are real baby as Jesus.

You can find out more about this program and how you could create A Night in Bethlehem at your church by visiting their website

**I was not compensated by this company in any way, I just wanted to share this amazing outreach program with others so they could experience the same thing that we did!


Corina said...

How cool!! I can see why she keeps talking about it!

Elise said...

What a fantastic experience and a wonderful memory for your family to have.

This is such a well thought out celebration with special activities for the children to participate in.

Elise said...

What a fantastic experience and a wonderful memory for your family to have.

This is such a well thought out celebration with special activities for the children to participate in.

Anonymous said...

We did a drive through nativity this year. JDaniel would have gotten more out of an event like this.

Miller Moments said...

That is very cool! What a great way to make the Christmas story real for children.

Alison @ Educational Creations said...

Oh how wonderful!!

I would have loved to taken the girls to this. We had a nativity week and they are all about "Baby Jesus" at the moment.

Anonymous said...

ohhh what an amazing event!! One of our local churches does a lamb of God presentation around Easter that is very similar! Looks like everyone had a blast!

Mozer said...

The second picture made me smile just because the light and the drink seem a little out of place! :) My parent's church did a similar event. It has become my family's Christmas tradition to attend each year.

Anonymous said...

That's so neat! Will have to check it out!

SnoopyGirl said...

This is wonderful! What a way to immerse your children into the very night and times of his birth. Thank you for sharing!


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