Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Gingerbread Christmas Cards…

…almost good enough to eat!


This is the second year that we participated in the Kids Craft   Weekly Christmas Card Swap.  Emily enjoyed it so much last year I couldn’t wait for this years.  And while I was flipping through the latest issue of our Family Fun Magazine (December/January 2011) I saw these adorable gingerbread house cards and knew they were the perfect cards for Emily to make for the swap.


I printed the template from the Family Fun Website.  I traced the template onto brown construction paper and cut them out.

  IMG_6771  Emily used green 3/4 inch dot stickers with hole punched centers for wreaths, white reinforcements cut in half for icing and 1/4 inch dot stickers for added decoration.


She also used a name badge label cut in half for the door and foam Christmas Stickers (gingerbread men, bows, and candy canes) for decorations inside the card too.  I printed a message on paper and cut it out with a decorative edge scissor to glue on the inside.


Anonymous said...

Very cute! She looks so happy with her accomplishment.

Christy Killoran said...

I saw those in the magazine and I have it put aside to make next year. So cute!

RedTedArt said...

How funny, we did Gingerbread Cards this week too... but yours are by far superior!!!

Love them!


maryanne@mamasmiles said...

They turned out great!

Sela said...

THANK YOU!!!! I signed up for the card swap too, but never received my addresses and could not for the life of me remember where I had signed up. I have emailed her now, so hopefully we can make some fun post-Christmas cards and send them out.
By the way, your cards are super cute :)

Sleepyhead Designs Studio said...

Adorable! Your daughter and the craft! You have some wonderful projects! Love your book & art program. I teach art to children and I'm always on the look out for creative ideas-plus I have three of my own that are art junkies too so I'll be checking back in! Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

These are so cute. Using a name badge is inspired.

Jess- said...

Very Cute!

Elle Belles Bows said...

They turned out great and love the pictures. Thanks for sharing Kids Craft Weekly as I had not heard of it before. Kerri

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