Monday, October 18, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday

This week there was no theme for Muffin Tin Monday so we used up some of our leftovers, which always look better on Muffin Tin Monday :0)


Top Row: Grapes, Apple Sauce, Salad with Ranch Dressing

Bottom Row: Avocado Slices, Ravioli and More Salad with Ranch Dressing

IMG_5698   Emily’s Muffin Tin Lunch was a big hit…she finished every last bite!!


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Anonymous said...

Those leftovers look pretty good! We did simple this week too.

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

Yummm, what a delicious tin and Em is a cutie :) Happy MTM!

Rebecca said...

Yes, leftovers do look better in a muffin tin! I cant wait until im feeling better and can do a MTM again.

Sandy said...

Muffin tins make leftovers look brand new!

Anonymous said...

I wish JDaniel would eat salad. The leftovers looks yummy. I love getting to clean out the fridge and putting together a tin at the same time.

Tammy said...

Isn't it amazing how muffin tin work like magic... makes even left overs look like something new!

Great MTM!


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