
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Roller Painting

I found these sponge rollers at the dollar tree, they came in a pack of 2 for only $1.00!! Emily was so excited to come home and use them. Before she actually painted with them, both Emily and Juliette spent a long time pretending to paint the walls with them. Emily has watched Daddy paint the walls a few times already so she said she was being like Daddy.

During Art Group I set the kids up with large pieces of paper, the sponge rollers and primary colored paint. I filled a rectangle food container lid with the paint which was the perfect size for the rollers. The girls went to work on their paintings.

Emily was intent on covering her entire page with yellow paint.

Then she went over it with Red and Blue.

Emily's finished Sponge Roller Painting

It was a lot of fun to see the different approaches to painting. Emily decided she was going to cover the page in one color. Elena covered her page in sections of different colors and Ryleigh did one area of the paper in all the colors over each other. No matter which way they went to work they all looked so pretty at the end. I loved seeing how the different colors blended together to form new colors.


  1. We love our Dollar Tree rollers! One activity that I have liked to do with my daughter is to cover paper with masking tape and then roll over it with a roller and then finally peel up the tape to reveal the design. I like Emily's layering effect! My daughter helped her daddy paint the walls recently.

  2. THis is so neat,I need to look harder for these rollers.It looks like the girls are having fun being artists.

  3. Must get to Dollar Tree! :-)

  4. I love the art work, this looks like so much fun. I found these at the Dollar Tree in Spokane, now I wish I would have bought them. I will have to go see if our Dollar Tree carries them.

  5. I love the painting and her concentration! It looks like fun too. We only have one roller...will have to get more.

  6. Kids love to use the rollers. I've done it before but had them paint on bubble wrap - different size bubbles. Then we took paper and pressed it down on the bubble wrap to make prints. We pretended it was what dinosaur skin would look like.
