Monday, September 20, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday ~ Shapes

This week for Muffin Tin Monday the theme is SHAPES!  Emily absolutely loves when her food is cut into different shapes.  I have a growing assortment of cookie cutters and am getting very good at free handing other shapes with my kitchen shears.  I have to admit I also love how special food looks when it is cut into a different shape than it usually is.

When I was trying to decide what I would include in Emily’s Muffin Tin Meal, I realized this was going to be a little trickier than normal since we have not gone food shopping in close to 2 weeks.  Then I remembered the hear shapes waffle iron and knew we had to have a Muffin Tin Breakfast!


Top Row:  Triangle Pumpkin Spice Waffles, Syrup in a circle cup, Heart Pumpkin Spice Waffles

Bottom Row: Star Shaped Apple Slices, Cheerios and Square Shaped Apple Slices

…with a piece of Rectangle Raisin Bread on the side :0)

IMG_5221  I still think it is so cute every time Emily reminds me that she needs a picture with her Muffin Tin.


Anonymous said...

All these breakfast foods are wonderful. Great tin!

Sandy said...

Breakfast tins are my favorite!

Anonymous said...

Now I'm hungry! Pumpkin spice waffles, lucky girl. Cute shapes too.

Ludicrous Mama said...

Love it! Mine doesn't remind me to take pictures of her with the meal, but she knows when I'm making a 'fancy' one, and starts asking if she can eat it (as she's grabbing at something from the cutting board already) and asking if I'm done with my pictures! Once, she was so eager to start eating, she tried rummaging through my pockets to 'help' find my camera!

Dana said...

She's a cutie! The joy they get out of this makesit all worth it. Love the breakfast idea. I think I will do that soon as well.

Alie said...

Any chance you would post your pumpkin waffle recipe? Sounds awesome!

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

Love the shapes in the tin and those waffles sound delicious! Great job :)

MaryAnn F. Kohl, art book author said...

You make breakfast an adventure. So cute! And so interesting and mentally stimulating. Good job, Mom!!

LitLass said...

Looks delicious! I need a waffle iron.


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