Thursday, May 20, 2010

stART ~ My New York

Welcome to stART! I hope that you will enjoy our story and art project and maybe even share your own too. All I ask is that you link back to A Mommy’s Adventures so that everyone can see all the other great projects that everyone shares too! The linky will be open all week.

I added a stART tab in my navigation bar to make it easier to search for past stART projects. Be sure to check it out!! All the books that we have read and did a stART project for are listed in alphabetical order.


This week when we went to the library I was looking for books about New York City since we were going to visit my sister in law who happens to live in the city.  We have taken Emily before however she was younger, this time I was really excited because she is so much more aware.  I found the book My New York, by Kathy Jakobsen and Emily and I both really enjoyed it.  It is for older readers, however I took it out because the pictures are amazing.  I wanted to have something to show Emily before our trip (our 30 minute drive) and then to talk about and find things that we saw after and this book was perfect.  The story is actually really cute and I did read parts of it to Emily, but it would be amazing for a little bit older child.  It is about a little girl that lives in New York City telling her friend who lives in the country, but will be moving to the city all about where she lives and what there is to do.

So first we visited the city. Ever time we go into New York City I am amazed that we live so close yet it feels so far from all these amazing things!  We are literally a 30 minute drive, without traffic!  Although we are hoping to take the train in the future since Emily has been asking to take a train ride almost every day now for awhile.  Any way here are some of the fun things that we did and Emily’s stART project.


Emily loves horses (although she was scared of this one because it was not behind a fence) so Uncle Patrick picked her up so she could see it.


Daddy finishing the 5k (the whole reason we went into the city).  If you look carefully you can see me holding Juliette all the way to the left.


Daddy and Aunt Patty (she also ran) after the race with the girls.

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After the race we visited the playground in near Battery Park.

Then we had the best surprise!!! IMG_3540 IMG_3541

We took a boat ride!!! 

One of Uncle Patrick’s friends happened to be docked and when we walked by and said hello he offered to take us out for a ride :0)


We saw the Statue of Liberty from the boat. IMG_3551

Our Family in front of the Statue of Liberty


Our family with Aunt Patty and Uncle Patrick

And now for our stART project!!!

I printed out a picture of the Statue of Liberty and our family all together on the boat.  Then I gave Emily markers, paper, the pictures, glue and scissors so that she could make a picture of our trip.


She started by drawing the boat that we were on.  IMG_3582

Then she cut the picture of us out and glued us onto the boat. IMG_3583

Emily’s finished picture.  She added clouds the waves  and the bridge that we went under.


Mama to 5 said...

What fun! I love NY CITY! I would move there in a heartbeat if we had the money! We haven't been since before having kids - I love the hustle & bustle! It's awesome! I am a total city gal! Looks like a great time! :)

Christianne @ Little Page Turners said...

Thanks for the book recommendation! We're going there in just a couple weeks for the very first time. This will be a perfect book to introduce my 5 year old to the city. :)

maggy, red ted art said...

Aaah, am loving the trip to New York! How wonderful!! Will tell my hubby immediately, that we need, erm, a trip to The Big Apple in the name of "story+Art" asap!! Fab that your OH did that run! What a special weekend!

Joyful Learner said...

Great pictures! We were just there too! Thanks for the book recommendation. I'm going to look it up.

sbswtp said...

It looks like you guys had lots of fun!!! Great pictures :)

Anonymous said...

It looks like a great book and trip.

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

We read that book last year when we went to visit my parents in NJ, and I agree - it's great (for older kids). Anna also enjoyed "Arthur in New York" from Marc Brown series - it was more on her level. It looks like you had great fun in this beautiful city, and Emily captured it perfectly.

Charlene Juliani said...

Looks like it was a fun trip. Love the picture! I found you through another blog (stART - linky - great idea). Now following you, we love art projects too.

Jenny said...

Oh, I looove NYC. I'm jealous that you live so close. It's been a long time since my oldest son has been there, and I can't wait to take all 3 of them. Looks like a neat book.

April said...

Aw, I'm jealous, I've never been to NYC but I hope to go one day. That looked like a really exciting trip! And that would be another one of your daughter's art that is a keeper.

An Almost Unschooling Mom said...

What a fun day! And, with a project, and a book to go with it, too - just perfect :)

Brimful Curiosities said...

My husband has been to NY but I've never traveled there. Hope to someday. Looks like you had such a good time.

Trudie said...

What a wonderful getaway! Wish I could visit NY!

Kelly said...

It looks like a wonderful family trip. Her project is so cute. She could start her own travel scapbook this way.

Sela said...

Hey, my daughter has the same Big Sister shirt :)
Good job, daddy, running the 5K. I have my very first one coming up in about 10 days, yikes!
Love the new thumbnail linky too. Thanks as always for hosting!


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