
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sorting Fun ~ Plants and Animals

  Cut and Paste Plant and Animal Picture Sort

Since Spring is here we have been talking a lot about plants.  I saw the idea for this activity on Productive Parenting and have been thinking about doing this with Emily for awhile.  I wanted to print out some pictures of different plants and animals and finally got a chance to get it together.  She loved working on this activity and I am looking forward to making some other ones for her!


First, I printed out the Plant and Animal Pictures (click to download the one I made) and then Emily got to work cutting each one out.  As she was working on it we talked about each picture.  She was very excited to see the strawberry plant, since she can’t wait for ours to grow and the cat since she loves Aunt Jayme and Uncle Jonathan’s cat JayJ.


Emily glued the pictures onto a piece of construction paper that I labeled for her.


Emily’s finished project. 

She did all the cutting, gluing and sorting all by herself.  Now I can’t wait to put together another cut and sort activity for her :0)


  1. Very cute :) Can't wait until Marc's computer is fixed so I can print one out to do with Ryleigh! Nice Job!!

  2. My kids love doing stuff like that!

  3. I really enjoy your blog! You have given me lots of great ideas! I have a Sunshine Award for you at my blog!

  4. What a fun activity! She is doing great with the scissors! We are still working on the cutting skills here :-)

  5. What a great activity. We love cutting.

  6. thanks-looks so fun!
