
Monday, February 1, 2010

Mr. Groundhog

When I was observing a pre-school class before I was a teacher I saw this project and loved it!  Last year I made one for Emily and found this cute song to go with it.  This year Emily got to help make a new one.  She loved singing and playing with the puppet again this year!!


I printed out a groundhog picture and reduced it to the print on a 4x6 card.  Emily colored the groundhog in with brown marker.


I cut out a piece of white construction paper and Emily colored it  green, then we glued it around a paper cup.  We taped Mr. Groundhog to a straw and stuck it through a hole that I poked in the bottom of the cup.


Emily’s Mr. Groundhog Puppet.

When we were finished we sang the Mr. Groundhog Song

Mr. Groundhog--Tune: "Frere Jacques"

Mr. Groundhog, Mr. Groundhog,

Take a peek, Take a peek.

If you see your shadow

The weather will be awful

For six more weeks, six more weeks.


I was so happy to get a video of Emily singing!!


  1. Michelle, I JUST posted about our groundhog celebrations! I MUST make this with Maddie tomorrow. I know she'd love it AND the song. Too cute!!

  2. So stinking cute, that girl!!! Very great activity too. Love it! Great job!

  3. Love it! I think we may have to put this together this week.

  4. OH MY GOSH!! I totally love it!!

    thanks for sharing!

  5. We did a version of this too! Since we made three, ours area groundhog family...

    I'm think about making the puppets an "act" to take on the road- they can sing such songs as "You're My Sunshine"...

    Just wanted you to know, in case Emily's puppet wants to join the act...
