
Monday, January 18, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday

I am trying so hard to get back into a routine since Christmas, we have been so busy I have missed so many Muffin Tin Mondays.  But, we were able to participate this week (it helped that there was no theme!!!  Emily was excited about her bear muffin tin, my mom was over and she told her all about the Teddy Bear Picnic we had a few months ago with this tin.  It was so cool to see that she remembered it!!

Emily’s Muffin Tin Lunch

IMG_0811Top Row: Yogurt, Shredded cheddar cheese, Goldfish Crackers

Bottom Row:  Peanut butter and Jelly roll-ups, Broccoli, Animal crackers

I am really looking forward to the upcoming color theme!!!

Happy Muffin Tin Monday :0)


  1. I havent done in a MTM in so long either! Sometimes i think too hard about it and cant think of things. I should just do it though, since Connor loves it so much.

  2. I love the bear tin- and it IS so cool to see when your little ones truly LEARN something!

  3. The bear tin is really cute! And the lunch looks yummy!

  4. We have had the same struggles with getting back in the routine! Very cute teddy bears!

  5. I love the bear tin - how cute! I only have a few muffin tins & would love to get a few more - where do I find this type? :)

  6. I love your bear tin. Great lunch.

  7. The bear tin is awesome...the lunch even better!

  8. This was our first week doing MTM since early December.
    I love those cute bear tins.

  9. welcome back, love the bear tin!

  10. I'm looking forward to the color themes too. :) Your Bear tin is cute! I think Little D and I need to do the Teddy Bear Picnic thing too.

    Getting back into a routine has been tough for us too. What is it about January?

  11. Your bear tin is so sweet. I am starting to collect different shaped tins and ice cube trays - I think they come in handy for all sorts of things.

    I think back to before Christmas and wonder how we ever got so much accomplished. It seems that since we've had a break, it's hard to get back into the swing of things. We'll get there!!

    I have not heard of the game, Don't Spill The Beans - I imagine it would be a lot of fun and you would laugh a lot while playing this.

    Emily's new frog back pack is gorgeous.

  12. Hi! I just found your blog and, after browsing, became a follower. My youngest son is almost the same as your Juliette. I was a teacher and now stay home and do fun crafts. I love books, Family Fun and foods. I'm looking forward to your future posts!

  13. That is SO cute! I love that you made it into a teddy bear theme!

  14. woah that bear tin is GORGEOUS i love it :) where did you get it form?
