
Monday, October 5, 2009

Muffin Tin Monday...

...All About Emily

This weeks theme for Muffin Tin Monday is "All About Me" so we made a muffin tin lunch that tells you a little about Emily!

Emily's All About Me Muffin Tin Lunch!!
Top Row: Graham Cracker, Apple Butter and Marshmallow Heart since Emily's birthday is the day before Valentine's Day, #2 Peanut and Butter Sandwich since Emily is 2 years old, Apple slices with "God Made Me Special" and " Jesus Loves Me" picks since Emily is a child of God

Bottom Row: Green Yogurt since Emily's favorite color is green, Curly pasta since Emily has curly hair and is part Italian, Mango Applesauce since Mangoes are one of Emily's favorite fruits.

We will be working on some "All about Emily" projects later this week to continue this fun theme!


  1. Looks like a great tin!

  2. I don't know why, but I thought she was "3".

    That graham cracker is adorable! I love the reasons behind all that you put into your tin.

    You are such a sweet mom!

  3. This is so adorable! I love the God made me special and Jesus Loves Me picks! My daughter is always quoting Veggie Tales with "God made me special...and He loves me very much!" It's cute! Awesome job!

  4. Hi Michelle

    What a clever mum you are. You came up with such great ideas that reveal so many special things about Emily.

  5. I LOVE this. So well thought out. Very sweet.

  6. that is just too cute!!

  7. I love seeing muffin tin lunches -- I need to start doing this for my daughter; I bet she would like them.

    Following In My Shoes

  8. i learned a lot about your daughter from this muffin tin... great job.. it came out perfect in every way

  9. What great selections!!!! It came out really well!
