
Saturday, August 22, 2009

Open Ended Art ~ Mixed Mediums

Emily's Yellow Glitter, Paint and Tissue Paper Art

This weeks Open Ended Art theme is Mixed Mediums. Emily used a sponge roller to paint with yellow paint and then added some glitter and yellow tissue paper.
Emily using her sponge roller.
Adding the glitter.
After Emily painted with the glitter she asked to use glue and tissue paper. So I got her some yellow tissue paper and glue and she finished her work of art!


  1. She looks so focused in the photos. This reminds me to pull out our sponge roller soon!

  2. I ♥ painting with rollers! Those things are so cool. Oh, and the kids ♥ them too, hehe.

  3. Great combo. I keep looking for a small paint roller for Anna, but no luck so far.

  4. love the paint roller! we use the trim roller from our old painting job all the time! :)
