
Monday, May 18, 2009

Circle Collage and Paper Towel Roll Painting

Emily's Circle Collage

I wanted to do some paper towel roll printing with Emily today and it turned into a whole circle collage! Emily had a lot of fun using the different materials to collage with. She loves gluing and stickers and she especially LOVES paint.
For the collage I gave Emily construction paper circles that I cut out in different sizes and colors, colored circle lables, and white reinforcements. When she was finished with that part she did the paper towel printing with yellow and blue paint.

Emily gluing on construction paper circles

Emily added colored sticker labels and reinforcements to the collage.

For the final step Emily dipped a cut paper towel roll into paint...

...and made circle prints with it!

While Emily was working on this project we talked about the different sizes and colors of the circles. She liked doing the small circles the best. Since I gave her yellow and blue paint we also talked about how it turned into green when she was painting with it.

When we were all finished I asked he what her favorite part was and her answer was, "All of it!"
More circle fun is planned for Lunch...I can't wait :0)


  1. This looks like something my daughter would totally LOVE! She's 2 also!

  2. That would be such a great idea for my preschool class. I just love that project.

    Thanks for sharing with Friday Showcase !!!
